Bank with TD apps

Use TD apps and discover how convenient managing your money can be. With the help of personalized tools and insights, this is truly mobile banking on your terms, from anywhere and at anytime.

TD Wallet

Securely store your loyalty, memberships and gift cards on your smartphone. TD Wallet helps you keep these cards handy for when you need them

Ways to use TD Wallet

  • Loyalty Cards: Don't miss out on loyalty points. Pull up your loyalty cards on TD Wallet and scan the barcode to earn or redeem at checkout.
  • Gift Cards: Pull up a gift card on TD Wallet to use the balance at check-out. And know what's left to spend by adding the balance in the space provided.
  • Membership Cards: Check into the gym or out of the library with TD Wallet. Store your membership cards in your TD Wallet. Plus, add card expiration dates so you know when to renew.

TD Wallet keeps your information secure

With TD Wallet, you can use a passcode or Touch ID/Face ID, depending on your smartphone, to protect your personal information. Learn more about privacy and security at TD.

Please note: TD Wallet does not currently offer the ability to make payments using credit and/or debit cards as these types of cards cannot be added to TD Wallet. To make payments using credit and/or debit cards, Android users can access Samsung Pay1. Apple users may also use Apple Pay through the Apple Wallet.

Download TD Wallet

Simply scan the QR code below with your smartphone or smart device and download the App right to your device.

  • Apple

  • Android

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