Invest in TD Special Offer GICs

Potentially earn a higher rate than traditional GICs and maintain the safety you expect.

These limited-time GICs have attractive interest rates; they are offered in a variety of terms to maturity and account types.

What are TD Special Offer GICs?

Potentially earn a higher rate than traditional GICs while maintaining all the safety and security you expect. These GICs feature attractive interest rates but are available for a limited time. They are offered in a variety of terms to maturity and account types (non-registered, registered, RSP, RESPRIF and TFSA).

For your convenience, TD Special Offer GICs renew automatically at the end of the term into a Guaranteed Investment Certificate whose features are determined at the time of your initial investment so that you don't miss a day of interest.

GIC Rates

Benefits of TD Special Offer GICs

  • Safety and security

    Your original investment and interest payments are guaranteed.

  • Competitive interest rates

    These rates are guaranteed for the term of your investment.

  • Eligible accounts and plans

    TD Special Offer GICs are available in non-registered and registered accounts (RSP, RESP, RIF and TFSA).*

* Please note that the 100-Day TD Special Offer GIC is not offered within an RESP or RIF.

Find the right GIC for every savings goal

TD Special Offer GICs feature attractive interest rates but are only available for limited time periods.

If you're building your rainy day fund, saving for a home or other special purchase, or adding to your retirement nest egg, there's a TD Special Offer GIC that may be right for you.

100-Day TD Special Offer GIC

Non-registered and TFSA



$1,000 - $9,999.99 = %
$10,000 - $49,999.99 = %
$50,000 - $99,999.99 = %
$100,000 + = %
Interest rates are per annum.

$500 - $9,999.99 = 
$10,000 - $49,999.99 = 
$50,000 - $99,999.99 = %
$100,000 + = %
Interest rates are per annum.


100 Days

100 Days

Investment minimum




Cashable in full or in part after 30 days, interest paid at prescribed early cashing rate
Minimum withdrawal amount of $1,000 and minimum remaining balance of $1,000

Cashable in full or in part after 30 days, interest paid at prescribed early cashing rate
Minimum withdrawal amount of $500 and minimum remaining balance of $500

Interest Payment Options

Simple interest1 calculated on principal amount for the number of days in the term and paid at maturity

Simple interest1 calculated on principal amount for the number of days in the term and paid at maturity

Auto Renewal Feature

Renew Principal and Interest to 100-Day TD Special Offer GIC at the interest rate in effect for the renewed investment on the date of renewal

Renew Principal and Interest to 100-Day TD Special Offer GIC at the interest rate in effect for the renewed investment on the date of renewal

1 Interest is calculated only on the original principal and not on the sum of the principal plus accrued interest.

TD Special Offer GIC

Non-registered and TFSA



Term and Rates

14 months

$1,000 - $9,999.99 = %
$10,000 - $49,999.99 = %
$50,000 - $99,999.99 = %
$100,000 + = %
Interest rates are per annum.

14 months

$500 - $9,999.99 = %
$10,000 - $49,999.99 = %
$50,000 - $99,999.99 = %
$100,000 + = %
Interest rates are per annum.

14 months

% Interest rate is per annum.

Term and Rates

18 months

$1,000 - $9,999.99 = %
$10,000 - $49,999.99 = %
$50,000 - $99,999.99 = %
$100,000 + = %
Interest rates are per annum.

18 months

$500 - $9,999.99 = %
$10,000 - $49,999.99 = %
$50,000 - $99,999.99 = %
$100,000 + = %
Interest rates are per annum.

18 months

% Interest rate is per annum.

Investment minimum





Not cashable

Not cashable

Not cashable unless for RIF/RESP payments

Interest Payment Options

Compound interest1 calculated annually and paid at maturity

Compound interest1 calculated annually and paid at maturity

Compound interest1 calculated annually and paid at maturity

Auto Renewal Feature

Renew Principal and Interest to another TD Special Offer GIC of the same term to maturity at the interest rate in effect for the renewed investment on the date of renewal.

Renew Principal and Interest to another TD Special Offer GIC of the same term to maturity at the interest rate in effect for the renewed investment on the date of renewal.

Renew Principal and Interest to another TD Special Offer GIC of the same term to maturity at the interest rate in effect for the renewed investment on the date of renewal.

1 Interest rate is per annum. Interest is compounded annually and is payable at maturity.

TD 3-Year Premium Rate Cashable GIC

Non-registered and TFSA

Registered RSP


$1,000 - $9,999.99 = %
$10,000 - $49,999.99 = %
$50,000 - $99,999.99 = %
$100,000 + = %
Interest rates are per annum.

$500 - $9,999.99 = %
$10,000 - $49,999.99 = 
$50,000 - $99,999.99 = 
$100,000 + = 
Interest rates are per annum.

Investment minimum




Cashable at any time. Tiered cash out rates are applicable to early cashing. The interest rate paid is determined by the pre-encashment schedule established at the time of issue. Redemptions prior to 91 days will pay no interest.
Minimum withdrawal amount of $1,000 and minimum remaining balance of $1,000

Cashable at any time. Tiered cash out rates are applicable to early cashing. The interest rate paid is determined by the pre-encashment schedule established at the time of issue. Redemptions prior to 91 days will pay no interest.
Minimum withdrawal amount of $500 and minimum remaining balance of $500

Interest Payment Options

Simple interest1 paid annually and at maturity

Simple interest1 calculated annually and paid at maturity

1 Interest is calculated only on the original principal and not on the sum of principal plus accrued interest.

Premium Rate Business GIC



90 days


Interest rate is per annum.

Investment minimum



Not cashable

Interest Payment Options

Simple interest1 paid at maturity

1 Interest is calculated only on the original principal and not on the sum of the principal plus accrued interest.

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Before applying for a GIC online

  • 1

    Decide what account type you'd like to hold your GIC in – You can hold your GIC in a non-registered, registered or U.S. dollar account.

  • 2

    Select type of GIC – Select from Special Offer, Market Growth, Cashable GICs and more. Not sure what's right for you? See the types of GICs we offer.

  • 3

    Have funds in your account ready to go – You'll want to make sure your account has sufficient funds to purchase the GIC before you begin your application.

Ways to Apply

Have a question? Find answers here

Deposit Insurance

Your deposits may be insurable by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation.